Showing posts with label cats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cats. Show all posts

Thursday, September 1, 2011

New Crafting/Art/Music Room

So, I recently moved to a new place of residence. One of the best parts about the new place, other than cheaper rent, is that I have a permanent craft room! Well, as permanent as you can get when you're renting. So, semi-permanently permanent? At my former house, I had a craft room some of the time--in the "spare" room upstairs in between roommates living there. Most of the time, I just had to use the kitchen table. This house (actually, it's a duplex) is great because it's a three bedroom that's affordable for just two of us.

Anyway, on to the photos.

Shot upon entering the room. The underwater scene is actually a shower curtain. I love how colorful it makes the room.

 The sewing table all folded up. Formerly my grandmother's. I need to find somewhere to put my ukulele. I also need to put more decorations around/above my Zen Cat calendar. Like I said, my move was recent. This is still a work in progress.

 The sewing table, opened. The machine is under the white cover thingy. The top of the table also flips open. I recently acquired the machine from my grandmother as well. I'll have to take more photos of it another time. It's been hardly used, and I don't really know how to work all its fancy features yet. It's also a few decades newer than my previous machine. Movin' UP.

The computer desk I am sitting at this very moment. Above it, Tom Encounters a Tesseract.

 Once again, the pseudo-mural shower curtain.

 My record player and Table for Miscellaneous Creations (TMC). My landlord left the TMC at the house for me with my crafting in mind. Aww. I put my painted Bean shirt on the half mannequin... it adds a nice touch. Also because I'm a crazy cat lady. A crazy cat lady who is posting pictures of her craft room. Yep.

In the pink bin under the turntable are some music supplies. I have a USB microphone, headphones, and a random assortment of sheet music. I've want to get back into writing/covering music and doing crappy home recordings like this one I did several months ago. I don't care if I'm not the best, doing it makes me happy. My drum kit is at my friend's house where we have band practice, but perhaps I'll have to take my microphone over there and record some beats on the next song I do.

 Dia de los Muertos-inspired painting in the corner.

 My easel! Did I mention that Tom Lewis is the best? He built it for me. I put down a heavy duty tarp so I don't have to worry so much about getting paint on the floor (it tends to happen with me... a lot).

 Party Hat Party Cat watercolor on the closet door. I'm not really sure what I'm going to do with the mirror next to it. It also needs a home.

Closet where I can store finished projects, mailing supplies, old art, and all of my vintage clothing I sell/hoard.

Happy to start crafting/arting/musicing again! It's such a relief to have everything mostly in place. I've had a mass of creative urges lately that I've had to suppress thanks to finding somewhere to live/packing/moving/unpacking the last few weeks. Today I finished unpacking the rest of the house, so that's even more of a relief. 

Stay tuned for the next blog episode; I will have to post pictures of the rest of the house!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Another Year

Me: I don't like getting older.
Tom: So don't.

Wise words from a wise man who still acts like a child. Haha. I've always been a fan of: Growing old is mandatory, but growing up is optional.

Well, those are words I certainly do embrace. I'm not careless like I was when I was 18, but no way soon am I going to stop playing in rainstorms and putting purple streaks in my hair. I think for me there's a peacefulness that comes with knowing better, but still not knowing what the future will bring.

I took that photo yesterday, wearing my rad superhero shirt (the picture doesn't do it justice). It's funny that after 7 years of dyeing my hair a rainbow of colors and cutting it frequently, I now have the same hair as when I was in high school. Maybe that's why when I was out and about in Kearney last week with my mom, two different people asked if I was in high school. Haha, doubt it. That was probably due to the slight lisp and inherent awkwardness :)

On the topic of staying young, I got this shirt at a house show I ended up because of a very random situation. During band practice Thursday, a band from San Francisco showed up at Nick's house. They were looking for a house show on a corner lot, and heard the music coming from the house. Turns out said house show was at a mutual friend's house (Omaha is tiny like that), also on a corner lot, but several blocks away. Anyway, we ended up going the house show later that night, and I decided their t-shirt was a necessary purchase.

Yes, the purchase may have been slightly influenced by alcohol. But it's a stripper puppy! What's not to love?! Also, the band was excellent.

Tonight Andrew and I are having a joint birthday dance party like we did last year. But this time I hung up a bunch of my paintings all over the house (hence the photo of Lyle snoozing in front of the good luck kittehs). I'm offering them for sale, more so I don't have to haul so much when we move in two weeks. That's why I'm selling them for cheap. Monies would be an added bonus right now, since I'm currently not employed by the Man, but making room is probably more important to me than that right now. I have way too much junk. Particularly art junk.

Speaking of art sales, I had five MAGIC by Anna Panda sales this week. Whoa! Once I get all settled from moving, I really want to make more bags and paint more. I'm itching for it so badly. I have to stop myself to be productive on issues that are more pressing. It feels good to have ideas and motivation though, that's for sure. I think a change of scenery will be for the best as well.

Anyhow, that was a random post.

I'll be 24 in less than 12 hours. Weird.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Ponyboy in His Element

I took these Ponyboy photos on Memorial Day weekend, and forgot to post them anywhere. So here they are a few months later.

These were all taken in the heart of rural America, where Ponyboy feels most comfortable. The bar photos were taken in Elba, NE population approx. 200. The rest were taken on family land near the North Loup River. Ponyboy was certainly in his element.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Cat Mommy's Day

This is a bit late but...

Tom made me this card for Mother's Day. Obviously I am not a real mother (of a real baby human), but I call myself an adoptive cat mommy.


Space Cats

My latest MS Painting. A visual recreation of the time Bean and I traveled to Uriel, third planet of the star Malak, Spiral Nebula Messier 101.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Cats: Old and New

My friend Sam sent me a link to these photos, knowing the kind of cat lady I am. They're of Marlon Brando and his very own kitty. Heartwarming, eh?

Here are some fairly recently taken photos of my own cats:

Bean (the brown cat who looks so enthused) being licked by my roommate's cat, Otis.

Ferdinand, being adorable as always.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Thirty Day Challenge: Day 29

Day 29 - A picture that can always make you smile

Tom and kitties, about a year and a half ago. Awwww.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Thirty Day Challenge: Day 8

Day 08 - A picture that makes you laugh

Whoever created this picture needs a serious handshake.