Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Why I Can't Believe in Astrology

I am a person who believes in a lot of far-out theories. I am easily swayed by "crackpot" conspiracies. Galactic synchronization will occur in 2012 while the Mayans come back in their spaceships to save us. Facebook is just a tool for government control. The poisons found in processed foods are another form of government control. Ghosts are everywhere. Time isn't linear, it's cyclical. I may not believe in these ideas whole-heartedly (except that time is cyclical) but I think they're much more likely than the thought that astrology has any relevance.

Why do I believe in Mayan spaceships but not astrology? Mostly because the descriptions of my sign seem to be not just off, but the complete opposite of what I am actually like. I'm sure if I did more research I could find a whole lot of reasons not to believe astrology, but for now I just want to pick apart how my sign is so different from me.

I am a Leo, born August 14th. With the whole uproar about signs changing, I would still be a Leo:

Leos are born fortunate.
I was born more fortunate than some, certainly, but most of what I have is thanks to hard work.

Charismatic and positive-thinking they attract not only an abundance of friends and opportunities, but manage to survive life's stormy times with style and good humor.
No. Unless by "charismatic" you mean, "utterly awkward." Oh wait, those are opposites, so I'm going to go ahead and say, FALSE. And the "abundance of friends" part? No way. Making friends is something that has never come naturally for me. I have a hard time relating with people. The awkwardness is a probable cause for such lack of good human relations.

Once a Lion is committed to a relationship, they are totally devoted and faithful.
I find it really hard to commit to something fully. That is also why I haven't gotten any tattoos.

For a Leo, when a relationship is over, really over, it is over for good.

How many times have I gotten back together with someone after breaking up with them? Approximately six.

All Leos are trendsetters, leaders and adventurers
An adventurer yes, trendsetter maybe, leader, no.

They don't like much change. Status quo suits them fine.

Change is good! I thrive on change!

They find it hard to believe ill of others.
People are bastard-filled bastards covered in bastard.

If injured, they strike back quickly, but they also forgive easily and never hold a grudge.

I can hold a grudge for years, decades even.

As a rule, people born in this period feel isolated and lonely in life, and if not actively employed in some work or purpose they become melancholy and despondent.

Ok, so this one is probably true. But only because it contradicts some of the previous statements.

So, there you have it. Either astrology is BS or I'm an alien. Maybe I can make friends with the Mayans when they return. Sigh.