Sunday, July 31, 2011

Summertime and the Livin' is Easy

Every summer is like an on-again-off-again relationship for me. About a month into the warmth of summer, I get used to it and start to take it for granted. It feels like it's always been summer, and it will always be summer. I forget that in a few months it will be back to the bitter cold that plagues this state for eight months a year (or so it seems).

Don't get me wrong--I definitely take advantage of warm weather. I ride my bike all the time, run outside, go swimming, sit in my backyard for hours, and anything I can do to be outside, really. This summer I was fortunate to have a job that allowed me to be outside almost all day--practically a dream come true. I don't even mind the higher-than-usual 100+ degree weather that everyone else whines about. I love it and thrive on it. Bring it on, sunshine! A few bucket loads of sweat ain't gonna hurt me.

However, it's just that my brain starts to go into denial that it'll get gross out again. I despise, loathe, and dread winter. Even late fall and early spring. I have poor circulation and am pretty much always cold, even when it's only down to about 50 degrees. And cloudy weather makes me sad. I just want to stay inside and hibernate and hide under blankets all day. I don't even like to move around the house much; I pretty much stay curled up under layers of clothing and blankets on the bed or couch whenever possible.

That's why I wanted to move to Austin, although that's not going to happen just yet. (I need to save up more money and do more job planning.) I think the continual warm (and HOT) weather would be good for me. I wouldn't sink into a depressed, avoidant state-of-mind, like I do when it's cold. It would be summer all the time! My on-again-off-again relationship could be a full-fledged, long term thing.

I am going to be here another year at least, so that does mean another Midwest winter. But I'll make the most of it. I do kind of like when it snows around Christmas.